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Celebrating Age Concert

  • City Hall College Green Bristol, England, BS1 5TR United Kingdom (map)

The Celebrating Age Festival (CAF) launches every year on the International Day of the Older Person, 1st October. It is a month-long festival to promote ageing well; including challenging stereotypes around ageing, celebrating older voices, and encouraging everyone to try something new. CAF 2023 offers a variety of free and low-cost events and activities across Bristol, from musical performances and art exhibitions to wellbeing events and discos.

This year, CAF is launched by the Celebrating Age Concert in City Hall, on Monday 2nd October 2 - 4 pm. There is a fabulous line-up, including the Windrush Choir, Recovery Orchestra and Dhek Bhal Older Women’s Group.

Harold Stephens will be in attendence with a stall so please come to say hello! We would love to chat.

Everyone is welcome to this free concert, but booking is essential. To book a place, please email or call 0117 928 1553.

See the full programme here.

Earlier Event: 30 September
Let's Talk Dementia - Free Event
Later Event: 25 October
Welcome Wednesday - October 2023