Posts tagged video
[Video] A Quick Guide to Lasting Powers of Attorney

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A lasting power of attorney (LPA) is a document by which one person (the “donor”) gives another person (the “attorney”) the power to act on their behalf and in their name.

There are two types of LPA – health and welfare and property and financial affairs. Without an LPA, no one is permitted to make decisions in your best interest should you become unable to make decisions for yourself.

Here's our quick guide to lasting powers of attorney.

It's never too early to organise lasting powers of attorney. As independent financial advisers, we can help you and your loved ones to organise lasting powers of attorney. Call 0117 3636 212 or email to book a free consultation.

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[Video] Investing In Volatile Times

It can be difficult to feel confident in your investments when things aren’t going your way but there are simple rules to follow to ensure you stay on the right path.

Have you heard the saying, ‘time in the market, not timing the market’? There is no sure fire way to predict the best time to invest but there are some general rules to try to stick to in times of volatility.

Watch this 10 minute video to find out more.

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Amy Woodinvesting, investments, video